Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Interview With the Amazing Emporer Qin

Max: Hello how is it going

Qin: Very fine thank you

Max: So what was your favorite project?

Qin: My favorite project I forced my subjects to do was my huge tomb it is beautiful so far and there are many terracotta soldiers.  Also there is a bronze city.  Another thing in my tomb is a map of my empire with rivers and seas of mercury.

Max: So if you want to be immortal then why did you have them make a tomb?

Qin: The tomb was started before I wanted to be immortal.

Max: What do you take to become immortal.

Qin: Mercury pills.

Max: Didn't you know that mercury is very poisonous and will kill you.

Qin: Really that sucks.

Qin: Why cant I see?

Qin: Why do I feel really weak?

Qin: why do i feel like there is a million needles stabbing me

Qin = dead on the ground.

Max: well it looks like he died from mercury poisoning.

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